Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August 2008 Blog of the Month: Mike Soto

Hello 3 In The Same family and friends,

Mike Soto here, I wanted to take a second to chat about something I was thinking about. When you wake up in the Morning what is the first thing that pops in your mind? Is it the trials you’re going through or is it how tired you are and you really don't feel like going to work or school today? Ask your self how often you think about your blessings first thing in the morning.

I know for me there are times I'm so caught up in my days that I forget to praise God for those days and everything that has come along with them. There are so many things that God is blessing us with but we move so fast through life that we forget to take the time to really look around us and appreciate the blessings. I challenge all of you and myself to thank the Lord for all his blessings tonight before you lay to rest and to take the time once you wake up to think of and praise the Lord for all the blessings you have already been given. Smile and say thank you Jesus. May all of you be blessed and remember to spread his good news any chance you get. God Bless.

Mike Soto

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